96 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Pengetahuam dan Sikap dengan Pemakaian APD (Alat Pelindung Diri) Pada Petani Bawang Merah Di Desa Bojongnangka

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    Bojongnangka Village Device has not done surveillance efforts of personal protective equipment and health checks for the onion farmers exposed to pesticides. The coverage is getting worse because in fact many farmers do not use PPE when mixing and spraying pesticides, this is due to the lack of care and supervision of local village government and farmer factors that are influenced by the knowledge, attitude and non-compliance of personal protective equipment. This study aims to analyze the relationship between knowledge and attitude with the use of personal protective equipment on onion farmers in Bojongnangka Village. The type of this research is descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach. Research population is male farmer counted 63 people taken with exhaustive sampling technique. Data analysis using Chi-square test. The result of this research shows that there is correlation between farmer knowledge (p value = 0,003) and employee attitude (p value = 0,012) to the use of personal protective equipment in Bojongnangka Village

    Hubungan Iklim Kerja dengan Kelelahan Kerja pada Karyawan Bagian Teknik di Pabrik Gula Soedhono Ngawi Tahun 2018

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    Work environment is everything around employees which influencing themselves while doing their duties and job. Work environment condition increasing work load for employees such as hot pressure which made health condition and stamina worse. This research aimed to analyse the relationship of work climate with work fatigue of employees at division of technics in Soedhono Sugar Factory Ngawi. This research was analytic non-experimental research with cross-sectional approach. Population in this research were all of employees at division of technics in Soedhono Sugar Factory, Tepas Geneng Village Ngawi Regency in number 135 people and sample that be choosen by total sampling. The result of this research howed that the lowest index temperature wet and ball was 27.450 C 2 in Packing Station and the highest index temperature wet and ball was 33.180 C in Ketel Station. The result of work fatigue measurement showed there was 8 employees experienced to low fatigue who reside at work point beneath threshold value, 10 employees (25.6%) experienced to moderate fatigue who reside at work point beneath threshold value, and 29 employees (74.4%) who reside at work point above threshold value. There was 61 employees who experienced to high fatigue and reside at work point above threshold value. The statistic test technique used chi square test showed that there was relationship between work climate with work fatigue level (p=0.000) among employees at division of technics in Soedhono Sugar Factory in Ngawi. Keyword : Hot Working Climate, Work Fatigu

    Hubungan Pengetahuan APD (Alat Pelindung Diri) dengan Kedisiplinan Pemakaian APD (Alat Pelindung Diri) pada Bengkel Las Sejahtera di Kabupaten Madiun

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    Welding workshop is a workplace that is at risk of causing accidents and occupational diseases. During the welding process, radiation from ultraviolet light will arise which can cause eye fatigue, blurred vision, photo phobia, chemotic conjunctiva, clouding of the lens, cataracts, and eye pain. Most of the informal sector workers are still very low in the use of PPE, only 45.8%, the lack of attention to the use of PPE for workers triggers an increase in the number of work accidents both in the world and in the country. This is to find out the relationship between PPE knowledge and the discipline of using PPE at the Welfare Workshop in Madiun Regency. The type of research used is quantitative analytic research with a cross sectional approach. Sampling using total sampling technique with a sample of 35 workers. Statistical test using Fisher Exact test. This study shows that there is no relationship between knowledge of PPE (p-value 0.221) and discipline in the use of PPE at the Welfare Workshop in Madiun Regency. It is suggested to the Welfare Workshop in Madiun Regency to be able to provide socialization to workers about the importance of using PPE at work. And workers are expected to have an awareness of the importance of using PPE at work

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Dengan Perilaku Safety Riding Pada Pengendara Ojek Online Di Surakarta

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    ABSTRACT Safety Riding is a program to reduce the number of traffic accidents by providing an understanding of the community that the traffic is an activity that concerns many aspects. Motorcyclists frequently mobilization in the region of Surakarta is currently online taxi riders. Online taxi in great demand by society because of the easy booking via the application. Online taxi riders require safety riding to increase knowledge in order to be more careful in driving. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of the level of knowledge with behavior safety riding on a motorcycle taxi riders online in Surakarta. The design of this research uses the approach of cross sectional. The techniques used in sampling is to accidental sampling with the total sample as many as 150 motorcycle taxi riders online. Research results with the chi-square test obtained p value (Sig) = 0.507 > = 0.05. From the results it can be concluded that there is no relationship of the level of knowledge with behavior safety riding on a motorcycle taxi riders online in Surakarta. Advice can be given i.e. online taxi companies still provide safety riding online taxi to candidates in Surakarta. In addition to adding to the knowledge of the riders can also add the image of a good name for an online among the people. Keywords: Level of Knowledge, Behavior Safety Riding, Ojeks Onlin

    Apakah Ada Perbedaan Kelelahan Kerja Pada Tenaga Kerja Industri Pembuatan Roti di Bagian Produksi dan Pengemasan Berdasarkan Iklim Kerja Panas di Desa Jangkung Grobogan

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    Workers while doing work cannot be separated from various factors and potential hazards around the work environment. One of them is physical factors in the workplace such as the work climate. Heat pressure can cause increased expenditure of body fluids through sweat, so that dehydration can occur and other health problems such as fatigue. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in the level of fatigue in workers exposed to hot work climate in the production and packaging section. This research method uses Analytical Observational using cross sectional approach design. The sampling technique uses total sampling with a sample of 30 respondents. Data analysis used the independent sample t-test with a level of sig ⍺ = 0.05. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the level of fatigue in the hot working climate of the production and packaging section and the value (p = 0.015). It can be concluded that the hot work climate affects the occurrence of fatigue in workers. It is recommended to companies to pay attention to the work climate in the work environment and for workers to be advised to always consume a minimum of 8 glasses of mineral water a day or 2 liters, and take time to have a rest in order to avoid from dehydration and fatigue

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Persepsi Safety Riding Pengendara Sepeda Motor Pada Mahasiswa Baru Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan 2017

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    The incidence of accidents in Surakarta from year to year continues to grow, the most traffic accidents in 2016 experienced at the age of 16-25 years as many as 338 people and are on a motorcycles (Satlantas, 2017). Health pioneers such as students of the Faculty of Health Sciences Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta took part in unsafe behavior in riding motorcycles. It appears that there some students who still do not have a Driver's License (SIM C). This study aims to determine the factors associated with the perception of safety riding on the students of the Faculty of Health Sciences Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The research type is quantitative with cross sectional approach. The sample of research as many as 244 people from the total population of 578 students of health science faculty who ride a motorcycle. The independent variables in this research are ownership SIM C, attitude, peer role and knowledge, while the dependent variable in this research is perception of safety riding. The result of the analysis using Chi-Square test showed that there was no correlation between the ownership of driver’s lincense (SIM C) with perception of safety riding (p = 0,140), but there is correlation between attitude (p = 0,049), peer role (p = 0,44) and knowledge (p = 0.036) with perception of safety riding

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Tentang Penyakit Leptospirosis Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap Warga di Desa Trucuk Kabupaten Klaten

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    Leptospirosis in Klaten District has a high incidence rate from January to August 2018, namely 8 people die. As an effort it is necessary to do with health education about letospirosis disease with the right methods and media. This study analyzed the effect of health education on leptospirosis disease through the lecture method in the experimental group and leaflet media in the control group. This type of research is Quasi Experiment with the pre-test and post-test design with control group. The population of this study was the head of the family of Trucuk Village. Sampling uses quota sampling with experimental groups (94 households) and controls (94 households). Data analysis techniques used Wilcoxon Signed Rank, Paired T test and Mann Whitney U Test. The results of statistical tests showed that there was an effect of health education on leptospirosis disease on knowledge (p <0.05) and attitude (p <0.05) in the experimental group through the lecture method. Health education about letospirosis disease with the lecture method (p <0.05). The community needs to increase knowledge related to leptospirosis disease and prevention and revitalization of health cadres related to efforts to improve health education

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap terhadap Perilaku Safety Riding pada Siswa SMA di Kota Surakarta

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    Safety riding behavior in high school students is a riding implementation that is influenced by knowledge, attitudes towards riding behavior. The incidence of riding accidents on students in the city of Surakarta is very high, at the provincial level in Central Java itself is the second highest traffic accident in Indonesia. This study aims to find out what factors are related to the high number of traffic accidents in students in the city of Surakarta. This type of research is quantitative with cross sectional design, primary data collection using a questionnaire. The population in this study were all high schools in the city of Surakarta, as many as 36 high schools with proportionate stratified random sampling technique with a sample of 400 samples. Tests on the data analysis of this study used the chi square statistical test. The results of this study found that there was no relationship between knowledge and safety riding behavior in high school students in Surakarta with a value (p-0.680> 0.05). while the relationship between attitude and safety riding behavior in high school students in the city of Surakarta showed a relationship with the value (p-0.03 <0.05) so that it can be concluded that attitude is an important component to change safety riding behavior in high school students in the city of Surakarta so as to reduce the number of road traffic accidents, especially in the city of Surakarta

    Pengembangan Simrs Pasien Rawat Inap Obsgyn Di Bangsal Anisa Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar

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    Anisa room and medical records unit at PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar Hospital use semi manual system where at registration, pharmacies and cashier have used computer based system but it is only limited access to services, but it is not integrated yet with the ward . There are 7 ward to inpatient in PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar Hospital, one of them is anisa ward, in anisa ward, the writing of patient identify is still manual. Most of anisa ward occurs the delays of recording and reporting patient to part of medical record and part of the management hospital. The purpose of this research is to design DFD, the data base, ERD, design of display system and do the trial system. The kind of this research is the study of research and development with the qualitative approach. The method of system development is prototype. In this research the technique of data collection use observation, interview, and documentation study. The sample of research are 8 person that consist of 2 registration officer, 2 ward anisa officer, 2 medical record officer, 2 IT officer. The sample of collection technique use purposive sampling. The development system use delphy 6 with the MySQL data base. The result of identification user, the researcher design 5 data flow diagram (DFD): there are DFD diagram cortex, DFD system that is designed, DFD recording patient registration, DFD recording services data, DFD recording and reporting, and Entity relationship diagram (ERD). The 10 table of data base and design interface system, input: 5 (user data, patient data, visit data, anamnesis data and partograph), and output: 5 (visit report, childbirth action report, gynecology report, death neonatal and maternal report)

    Hubungan Antara S Tatus Demensia dengan Disabilitas Fungsional pada Lansia di Desa Gonilan Kartasura

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    The aging process is a process which is followed by some physical decline. It is usually followed by the emergence of a variety of psychological, cognitive, affective, and psychosocial disorders. One of the cognitive interferences experienced by the elderly is the dimensia. Dimensia is the effects that occur from psychological changes in the form of cognitive decline. The aims of this research are to know the relationship between the status of the dimensia with functional disabilitas of the elderly in Gonilan Kartasura. The type of the research is observational analytic research using Cross Sectional approach. This research was conducted in Gonilan Kartasura with the number of the elderly sample of research are 75 who meets the criteria of inclusion. Dimensia was measured with the use of Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), and functional disabilitas using Groningen Activity Retriction Scale (GARS). Statistical test is using Rank Spearman. The result showed that the value of p=0,001, it means that there is a relationship between the status of the dimensia with functional disabilitas on the elderly and the value of r=-0,413, it means the higher of MMSE the lower of GARS score, so the reverse